Jan 28, 2023
Hi, everybody. The gang's all here to talk about Oscar nominations, Marvel Snap, Animal Crossing, The Last of Us, That '90s Show, The Legend of the Stardust Brothers, and so much more. Make sure you stick around for Kristin's Dave Grohl story.
THE LAST OF US - 33:18 TO 52:04
THAT '90s SHOW - 52:05...
Jan 21, 2023
Hi, everybody. It's just Rodney and George this week talking about what they've been reading, what they've been watching, and what they have been thinking. The Tempest! Velma! Night Court! Comics! Old Man Rants! All this and much more for your listening pleasure.
Speaking of listening pleasure, as mentioned on this...
Jan 14, 2023
Hi, everybody. Last week was old man magazines, this week is old man physicals. Where could we possibly go next? How about the movie The Pale Blue Eye, The Golden Globes, Star Trek: Prodigy, more Christmas gifts and the surprise Rodney got in the mail?
Thank you for listening. Connect with Meanwhile At The Podcast on...
Jan 7, 2023
Hi, everybody. Our four cohosts are back together to talk about their holiday celebrations and catch up on what they have been watching. Plus, how long did their Choco Smashes last? The answers may surprise you.
Thank you for listening. Connect with Meanwhile At The Podcast on social media. Don't forget to #livetweet!...