Jul 20, 2019
Hi, everybody. This is the weekend of San Diego Comic Con, the mecca of pop culture. Are our hosts excited about it? You may be surprised. Also, George tells us about seeing "Weird Al" Yankovic's Strings Attached Tour and he finally saw the movie Stan and Ollie. All this plus listener feedback, comic book recommendations, favorite birthdays, and...ICE CREAM!!!
Thanks to Christopher Calloway of the Creator Talks podcast for letting us appropriate one of his Kicking Back With The Creator questions. Curious? Check out his show featuring interviews with comics creators at https://creatortalks.podbean.com. Follow him on Twitter @CreatorTalksPod.
Thanks to J. Robert Deans for his feedback this week. You have heard us talk about this writer/artist on the show before. He is the creator of Shakes The Cow and The Bear From A.U.N.T young adult novels. Curious? Check out his Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/jrobertdeans. Follow him on Twitter @jrobertdeans.