Dec 7, 2019
Hi, everybody. A funny thing happened on the way to the boiler room studio and none of our hosts could synchronize their schedules to record this week's show. Fear not, true believer! George went into the George and Tony Entertainment Show archives and dusted off one of his favorite holiday themed episodes from the now defunct show - Number 44: Blame It On The Tryptophan, originally posted November 30, 2014. We present it here for your listening pleasure UNCUT AND UNINTERRUPTED! Yes, Virginia, there really was a George and Tony Entertainment Show and we prove it with this blast from the past.
We are scheduled to return next week with a normal episode of Meanwhile At The Podcast. Subscribe today on your favorite podcatcher so you don't miss an episode and use some holiday guilt to make your friends and family do the same. Don't forget to connect with us on social media.